Chemtrails - The Evidence.... From a "CRANK"
Now I am always very open minded and I do like to see credible evidence when it comes to strange and/or weird things. This chemtrail/contrail thing is something that I wanted and want to investigate further, because over the past year since hearing about this mystery I have actually seen these chemtrails in the sky, numerous times and not like the typical 'straight line behind an aircraft' type thing either. I have seen criss cross patterns of these chemtrails all over the sky! Have a look at my own photos below (all photos below are taken by me).
I recently stumbled upon a website called Rationalwiki while I was searching for articles regarding the 'Chemtrail' mystery or conspiracy.
For those that do not know what chemtrails are let me quickly explain:
- Contrails - The condensation trail left behind jet aircraft often seen in the sky.
- Chemtrails - The chemtrail conspiracy theory says that some trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by various government officials.
Those photos were taken recently right outside my house!! Anyway, what really stuck me with this website (rationalwiki) is that straight away, anyone believing or even contemplating the idea of these chemtrails is classed as a 'crank'! There is no evidence on this website to prove that chemtrails are not real. All that there is on that website, is lots of belittling, disregarding and general piss-taking of anyone who is even opened minded to the idea! Well I don't know about everyone else out in the big wide world, but I personally like to explore ideas, research, investigate and figure things out as much as I can. Anyway I have left my own input onto that website an I hope that it doesn't just get deleted off there just because I don't want to join in with the mocking of curious people! The link the that website page is: Rationalwiki - chemtrails - with additional writing by myself
There is actually a lot of evidence in the world relating specifically to chemtrails and there many uses. One of the most substantial and crucial bits of evidence is directly from the MoD (Ministry of Defence) in the UK.
- The Mod has admitted and released vital information that completely proves the use of chemtrails in the UK. The article was published by 'The Gaurdian' newspaper, which is one of the UK's most credible newspapers. The link to the article is Guardian newspaper article. The UK government report, released in 2002, provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of Britain's biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979. Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told. While details of some secret trials have emerged in recent years, the 60-page report reveals new information about more than 100 covert experiments.
- There are over 100 patents from the USA alone, relating to technology directly linked with chemtrails and chemtrail spraying. The link for this article is List of patents.
- A story released by a UK aircraft mechanic, reveals how he stumbled upon suspicious chemtrail spraying equipment on board commercial aircraft at one of the UK's top airports. The link for this article is Aircraft mechanic stumbles upon chemtrail equipment on board commercial aircraft.
- Swedish Green Party leader Pernilla Hagberg - comes forard in 2012 and admits to the Swedish government being involved in the use of chemtrails. The link to this article is Swedish official admits toxic 'chemtrails' are real. This is quoted from the article "Interestingly, the United Nations (UN) and various Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed groups have recently been forced to admit that such sprayings are taking place, and that the emitted particles are not normal contrails."
- Bill Gates is actually currently funding a project, through a multi-million dollar research fund that was started by himself, to have a large balloon hovering at 80,000 feet over Fort Sumner, New Mexico, that will release sulfates into the atmosphere within the next year. This article was written in 2012. The link the the article is Bill Gates admits to chemtrails.
- KSLA news station reports and investigates chemtrails. The link to the news video is KSLA news confirms Chemtrails.
- Senator Tom Harkin admits to Chemtrails as a use of 'Chaff' by military aircraft pilots. He says that chaff is spread by pilots learning how to mask planes or send false radar images. Once chaff reaches the ground, it breaks down into particles small enough to inhale. Though military spokespeople insist that chaff is not harmful, the GAO (General Accounting Office) report concluded that health effects are unknown and more studies are needed. A few weeks after this request, the families who had sent in the request to the senator, noticed glittering substance and a pinkish-colored powder substance on the roof of their houses. They then noticed the glittering substance on many surfaces, even the dashboard of the family car. Both substances were collected and sent to a lab for analysis. Among the substances found to be in the samples were several that should simply not be there:
- 6 bacteria, including anthrax and pneumonia
- 9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride
- 26 heavy metals including arsenic, gold, lead,mercury, silver, uranium and zinc
- 4 molds and fungi
- 7 viruses
- 2 cancers
- 2 vaccines
- 2 sedatives
- The link to this article is Senator admits to chemtrails.
- Here is a documentary produced by the UK's BBC regarding the history of the UK's and the USA's chemical spraying. The documentary is called 'Clouds of Secrecy' and can be viewed at BBC Documentary Reveals 1963 US and UK Conspiracy to Spray Toxic Chemicals From Aircraft.
Maybe I (along with millions of other people around the world) am a crank......But if being a crank means that you are opened minded, not ignorant, specific and decisive with your research and focus on facts rather than opinions then I am glad to be a crank. I would rather not believe in chemtrails, although opinion over fact doesn't prove anything. Ignorance is what the governments and mass corporations rely on. The truth might hurt and be almost unbelievable, but once upon a time only the crazy (and the cranks) believed the world was round! From the Truth_Seeker (A Crank).
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