Monday, 1 July 2013

Chemtrails - The Evidence.... From a 'Crank'

Chemtrails - The Evidence.... From a "CRANK"

Now I am always very open minded and I do like to see credible evidence when it comes to strange and/or weird things. This chemtrail/contrail thing is something that I wanted and want to investigate further, because over the past year since hearing about this mystery I have actually seen these chemtrails in the sky, numerous times and not like the typical 'straight line behind an aircraft' type thing either. I have seen criss cross patterns of these chemtrails all over the sky! Have a look at my own photos below (all photos below are taken by me).

Saturday, 15 June 2013

A Challenging Checklist, Camping With Kids.

So the weather has started improving, the sun is coming out, the kids are on their school holidays and they have more energy than you could hope for! You decide that this is the perfect time to take your family on the first camping trip of the year. 

Monday, 29 April 2013

The Job SCAMS need to STOP! A brief overview of the PerDM, Cobra, Appco SCAM UK.

The real enemies are the not the guys who work beside us and walk past us in the street. The REAL ENEMIES are the ones we don't see. The ones who hide behind their flashy suits and company names. Whilst they control and affect the majority of the population and that are continually getting away with SCAMMING people. Lets get the information out there, open peoples eyes and get people to start WAKING UP!!